
Social Copy

Writing for

Social Media

When writing for social, engage the audience with a tone that’s light and conversational.

of a Social Ad

The ad template is almost identical for Facebook and LinkedIn, with minor stylistic differences. This requirement will work across both platforms.


Engage the audience with a light, conversational tone.

Given the limitations of the medium and the ways in which people engage on social media, our tone should be light, respectful and conversational.

Avoid brand name repetition.

There’s no need to include “First Republic” in the social or header copy — it’s already in the handle, the quote, and the URL.

Communicate that we are a bank.

Try to include bank/banking/banker in the copy where possible to reiterate that we are a bank, as research indicates that we sometimes get mistaken for a title company.

Use animation to space out copy.

Instead of reducing font size to fit copy within an image or video, consider adding animation and divide copy across different frames.

Social copy should reflect and reinforce the spirit of the client testimonial.

Ensure that the social copy description and header set complement the testimonial quote. If these don’t make sense together, suggest a different option.

Place offer rates at the end of the frame.

When a bonus or rate is presented as an animation, we prefer to have the offer appear on the end frame.

Never pair testimonials with rates.

Because we do not use our clients to promote products and services, keep client testimonials and images separate from rate messaging.

Do not break the brand name into two lines.

Keep “First Republic” on the same line. (Note that, where possible, “we” may substitute “First Republic” within the body copy to save space and achieve a conversational tone.)

Conduct a holistic ad review.

Before approving copy, always review it in layout form to see the full unit and ensure message cohesion.

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